80% Of India Uses SME Retail Brands (28/4/2022)
80% Of India Uses SME Retail Brands
According to a recent survey by CAIT, corporate brands (~3,000) serve the Retail Trade needs of around 20% of India’s population, while small and medium-sized businesses selling in smaller quantities (~30,000 brands) cater to the rest 80%, in some sort of reverse pareto principle.
This highlights the reality that despite predatory pricing and large discounts by international e-commerce firms, small brands dominate the consumer market – possibly due to the one-to-one contact between the customer and shopkeepers, where the shopkeepers are incentivised to push SME brands due to higher margins.
India has the world’s fourth-largest retail sector, valued $793 billion in 2020, and is expected to reach $1.5 trillion by 2030. If the government provides the necessary support policies to the non-corporate sector and enforces the e-commerce businesses to follow policy and law in both letter and spirit.